Wiki Ins rejecting 97597 BCBS Not correct code or needs more info??

I know that Arkansas BCBS does not allow for 97597 and 97598. I have not been able to get anywhere with my provider rep to get this addressed. I do wound center coding and they do lots of selective debridements, along with the excisional ones. I have been just billing the appropriate level of E & M and not billing the selective debridement if the patient has BCBS.
I use a variety of different diagnosis codes. They are almost always an ulcer or a non healing surgical wound. I need to pull my old denials from BCBS to get the exact verbage on the denial, but it was something to the effect the code was not allowed in the place of service that was billed. Our wound center is an outpatient hospital setting, so I am using the outpatient place of service codes.