Wiki Inpatient Visit w/in global - readmission


Kirkland, WA
Best answers
I have been coding outpatient forever and now I'm having some inpatient thrown at me and I'm a bit confused.

Patient was admitted with abdominal pain 9/7. Had surgery 9/10 (laparoscopic lysis of adhesions), result was partial bowel obstruction. Patient was discharged home.

Patient readmitted 9/24 with nausea and abdominal pain. Patient seen by surgeon 9/26. Can I bill for the initial hospital visit? It's not a complication from the surgery. More like a recurrence. Patient goes back to surgery and has resection of previous Roux-en-Y and resection and creation of two new jejunojejunostomies.

I know I can post the surgery with a -78, but what about the hospital visits that occurred prior to on 9/26, 9/27, 9/30 and 10/1? Can I bill with -24 or do they need to be post-op?

Thank you!