Wiki InPatient Psych Billing

Blue Springs, MO
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99232 and 99222 can anyone tell me how you actually bill for Inpatient psych services. If you have someone that is seen for several days in a row how is that listed on the billing form. for example do you only need an admit date and then you can list 99222 on a date and then if you have 99232 for a few consecutive days can you list all the codes on one claim with the appropriate dates, can you list 99232 with the number of units that you did it with the start date of that code? how is it actually billed?
Just a dose of reality here. I would bill one line and one unit per day. Now can you bill multiple dates with date spans and multiple units of service? Yes. But when you do that things get very confusing fast. Try appealing a denial with a date span. The insurance companies will not know every date with a date span either. This is one of those thing that you can do, but one of those things you should not do. Your payment posters will thank you.