Wiki Inpatient MDM additiona work up


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
When your coding an admission E/M CPT 99221-99223, what is consider additional-work in the inpatient setting on the presenting problem MDM table.

Are you referring to Medical Deicision Making: Number of diagnoses and treatment options? If so add'l workup would be "ordering additional workup such as dianostic tests to confirm or to rule out the suspected diagnosis and/or differential diagnosis with which the patient will leave the office. Or seeking additional workup such as a consultant's opionion."
"workup is defined as anything that the physician plans to do in order to make or confirm a diagnosis. For example, if the physician suspects a particlar diagnosis and sent the patient on for a diagnostic test to confirm that suspicion, that diagnostic test would count as workup. If the patient is scheduled for routine blood work to monitor side effects of medication, this would NOT be considiered additional workup. " From Sudy Guide: CEMC 2011