Wiki Inpatient Dx Coding Confusion


Johnson City, TN
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I've just been through my very first week of on-the-job coding. I work for a group practice that is not affiliated with the hospital. When I am coding the hospital charges (99221-99223, 99231-99233, 99251-99255) I do not code the uncertain diagnoses. For example, if nonspecific abnormal findings on a CT scan are suspected to be caused by a differential dx I would code the abnormal findings or the more non-specific form of the established diagnosis (ie. chronic pancreatitis NOS *established* vs. hereditary pancreatitis *suspected*). If it is a consult I use the reason for request for consult as the principal diagnosis and if it is a SHC code I list the diagnoses in the order they are listed under the problems. Of course if there are any linked diagnoses (diabetes with neurological complications and peripheral neuropathy) I list those after one another. I code only the highest specificity that has been established. If a more specific diagnosis is suspected that what has already been established I code the less specific one. If I need to use a history or status code, I sequence these last.

I assumed that because these are professional services provided by the physician and the practice is not affiliated with the hospital we do not code the suspected diagnoses. Or would this only be for physicians employed by the hospital? The thought occurred to me today that the way I've been doing this may not be correct. Please help I'm so confused!