Wiki Inpatient Discharge Question


Marshall, TX
Best answers
I am needing some clarification on a hospital discharge. If patient was admitted on 5/17/2024 & per the documentation, patient left AMA on 5/17/2024, wouldn't we bill a code from 99234-99236? Provider dated discharge date as 5/18/2024 because this is when he completed the discharge summary, but per documentation, patient left 5/17/2024. So what would be the true discharge date? Please advise & thank you in advance!
The discharge date would be the date the patient is actually discharged per the documentation and not when the documentation was completed. And depending on when the patient was admitted it does sound like it might possibly be a 99234-99236.
The discharge date would be the date the patient is actually discharged per the documentation and not when the documentation was completed. And depending on when the patient was admitted it does sound like it might possibly be a 99234-99236.
This was my exact thought considering patient left 5/17/24 AMA, it still makes this the actual discharge date. Thank you for your feedback!