Wiki Inpatient discharge outpatient admit same day


Mount Vernon, WA
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I code for Hospitalists and have a patient that was inpatient hospital from 2/16-2/17 and discharged on the 17th for a cardiac condition. On the way home he was in a MVA and was taken back to the hospital later in the day and admitted outpatient observation.

In researching this I found if it was for the same condition I would just convert the code to a sub visit, but because the second admit was for a different condition I should be able to code with the outpatient admit code.

Is there a modifier I should use? This is a Medicare patient and the only thing I found was a Condition Code B4 but I think this is for hospital billing only. Is there any modifiers I can/should use?

Observation Codes

You are right about different diagnoses allowing separate CPTS. But if the second admission, I'm assuming through the ED,was to Observation I would think you would use the Observation codes for the second stay. And the correct codes would be determined by whether second stay was a one day (99234-6) or or multiple days. Unless I'm missing something like the patient was admitted to the hosital through Observation?

You are right about different diagnoses allowing separate CPTS. But if the second admission, I'm assuming through the ED,was to Observation I would think you would use the Observation codes for the second stay. And the correct codes would be determined by whether second stay was a one day (99234-6) or or multiple days. Unless I'm missing something like the patient was admitted to the hosital through Observation?


Thanks Jim! He was re-admitted through the ER for observation due to altered mental status (initial inpatient visit was for cardiac). The second visit would probably even go through the vehicle insurance anyway.
