Wiki Inpatient consult.


Best answers
If the referring physician isn't documented for an initial inpatient consultation-
Can you code it as an initial inpatient visit instead?
99255 vs 99223
If the referring physician isn't documented for an initial inpatient consultation-
Can you code it as an initial inpatient visit instead?
99255 vs 99223

No you can't. If it is a commercial insurance that still accepts consult codes, you must bill an IP consult code, with a referring provider documented. No matter how bad the documentation, you will be able to code it to 99251-99255. You can only bill an initial visit(I presume you mean an H&P) if your provider is the admitting.
You cannot bill an H&P just to give your provider more money, or just so you don't have to communicate with the provider to add the referring to the documentation.
I would class that as fraud(intent to obtain pecuniary advantage knowing that it is wrong).
Do you look good in orange?
My opinion :- The "RRR" will need to match for consultation code. If the insurance was commercial bill with 99251-99255. If it is a Medicare, need to bill with initial inpatient visit ( 99221-99223) as per guideline.

You missed the question all together.
Referring physician info is missing altogether.
No need for you to be so rude.