Wiki Inpatient Coding - I am doing some assessment


Garden Grove, CA
Best answers
Hi all, I am doing some assessment and would like professional opinion. Here are a few cases

1). A patient is admitted with IDDM, out of control. The patient is administered insulin in an attempt to regulate the blood sugar. He has a recently abscessed left molar, which was determined, in part to be responsible for the elevated blood sugar. The patient takes Metformin but ran out of his medication two days ago. He hasn?t been back to the pharmacy for a refill yet. He said he?s been busy and hasn?t had time. The patient had recently been seen in the hospital four weeks earlier for an acute MI of the inferoposterior wall. The patient had an EKG done on this admit to check the status of the MI. He was also started on antibiotics for the tooth abscess. Within two days the blood sugar was under control and the patient was discharged. The patient was reminded about the necessity of filling his prescription and the importance of keeping his blood sugar steady and avoiding medical noncompliance.

Here is my answer: 250.02 POA Y
410.32 POA Y
522.5 POA Y
V15.81 POA Y
Note: POA means present on admission. We have to identify if the condition is present or not when patient admitted to hospital.
Do we have to code for insulin V58.67? I figure NO since this is not a long term use for insulin even though patient is insulin dependent

Thank you :)