Wiki inpatient admission


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Hello all, can anyone clarify this.

For inpatient admissions we have a house physician overnight service. When a patient is admitted the house physician completes and documents the full history and physical. When I see the patient the next day I do a complete history and physicaI and then cosign the house physician's history and physical. I then write a progress note and code a 99221-99223 for the day I see the patient.

Am I documenting the encounter and coding it correctly?

If not:

Do I need to write an addendum to the house physician's history and physical and if so what is needed in the documentation?

Or do I need to write a new complete history and physical?

Thank you,
it depends, if the house physician bills an initial inpatient encounter then you can only bill for subsequent encounters. If the house physician did not bill a visit then you will need to document the entire H&P in order to bill it, you cannot make another physician's work your own.