Wiki Inovalon Audit Question


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We had an audit done on a chart for a patient that had history of kidney cancer in 1988. We seen her in our office in Jan 2012 and she was diagnosised with Thyroid CA. We used 193 for dx code and V10.52 (Hx of Kidney Ca). The auditor came back and said we should have used 198.89 - 2ndary Malig Neoplasm other site. My interpretation of 198.89 is used when its secondary from a primary site. Any thoughts??

Gina N
Maybe you need to check the morphology documentation? to understand if its secondary by histology determination??

per CC these sites are considered secondary if no additional information is provided:
bone, brain, diaphragm, heart, liver lymph, mediastinum, meninges, peritoneum, pleura, retroperitoneal, spinal cord and sites classifiable to 195.