Wiki Injury coding


Caldwell, ID
Best answers
Any advice would be AWESOME!!!! I'm new to this coding world:)

I work for a Family Pracitice and we see a lot of patients that have been in some kind of accident or have had an injury. A lot of times they are seen in the ER then come to us months following the accident/injury because they are still having pain. Do I need to code their visits as an injury since their neck pain we are treating them for is due to the accident/injury and we are seeing them for the first time?

Huge thanks in advance!!!!
In ICD-9 you do not code the acute injury code after initial treatment. So you could code the 338 code for acute or chronic pain due to injury and that will say what you need also you can add the code for the site of the pain such as. 719.46. The provider must document if this is acute or chronic pain