Wiki Injections-Need opinion..


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Need opinion...
1. Billing 64483, 64484 ,64493,64494 done with Fluroscopic image guidance, do we bill 77003.. I though it's included so no need to have this recorded in the claims submit.., a staff from my billing area indicate I still need to invoice this ???

2. Billing 64493,64491 & 27096 done with Fluroscopic image guidance, do we bill 77003..??
The description of these codes in CPT indicate "imaging guidance...are inclusive components of ...", and that the imaging is required; therefore you would not bill them separately.
Broadhim is correct.
While it is required to use the flouro to perform/bill these procedures, they are not payable separately. In addition, be careful of what you are billing. Check the documentation for billing 27096 with 64493-64495. Many times I have found that the provider is trying to bill sacral level with the 27096 but it is just an additional level of facet (i.e. L3-5 and S1). I would say the same for the other scenario you mentioned.