Wiki Initial vs Subsequent - encounter is used for encounters

New London, CT
Best answers
Initial visit states; while the pt is receiving active treatment; surgical tx, ED encounter & eval & tx by a new physician.

Subsequent visits states; encounter is used for encounters after the pt has received active tx of the conditions & is receiving routine care for the condition during the healing or recovery phase: EX: cast change or removal, removal of external or internal fixation device, medication adj, other aftercare & follow up visits following tx of the injury & condition.

My question is our dr's state that so long as they are seeing the pt and still actively treating the pt then this should still be considered an initial visit?

I have my thoughts but I would like to hear other opinions, please?
It is not your physician actively treating the patient, it is whether the patients injury is still receiving active treatment. Dressing changes, cast changes, suture removal, and wound checks or just surveillance is all subsequent.