Wiki Initial Post OP visit


Mount Pleasant, NC
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Good morning,

Is a patient entitled to at least one post op visit after a minor (10 day global) surgery, even if it falls after the 10 day period?

Thank you in advance for your help.
If the physician sees the patient after the 10 day global, even it's the first post op visit, they can technically charge an established patient visit (obviously depending on how much is documented). However, the physician may also opt to just code this as a 99024. It's up to the provider. Obviously, irreguardless if the visit is within the 10 day global period, it's just good medicine to see the patient for a follow up.
If the reason the visit is after the global is due to the patient being unable to get an appointment that matches with their schedule and your office availability then it is still considered a global encounter. If the patient failed to show up for the post op visit as scheduled and now comes after the global has expired then you can charge for it.