Wiki Initial or Subsequent?

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So if a patient goes to the ER for a concussion & neck pain due to MVA. Then comes to our office "Urgent Care" two weeks later with complaint on neck pain still. Is this considered a subsequent visit because he already treated at the ER?
I was under the impression that A was used as well when a patient is still seeking active treatment for a condition. I've attached a copy of the information provided by the AAAAI regarding the use of A. (I work for an allergist, but I think this information would pertain regardless of specialty.)

"The definition of A was clarified in 2015. The 7th character A initial encounter is used while the
patient is receiving active treatment for the condition. Examples of active treatment are emergency
department encounters, and evaluation and continuing treatment by the same or a different physician.
While the patient may be seen by a new or different provider over the course of treatment for an injury or
other disease, assignment of the 7th character is based on whether the patient is undergoing active
treatment and not whether the provider is seeing the patient for the first-time."
That is why we would need to see the documentation to know for sure. There is no way to know if there was any active treatment rendered at the follow up encounter.