Wiki Initial inpatient Consultations

Boise, Idaho
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We have this debate going on. If a provider is asked to do an initial consultation for an inpatient on 8/22/2020, then patient is discharged, then they are readmitted on 09/02/2020. The provider is asked to do another consultation. Both times its the same provider as well as the same DX. Is it appropriate to bill both as initial consults? Thanks
This question is asked almost daily on this web site in various ways, but it boils down to the same question. The first thing that I am going to do is verify that an actual "Consultation' is being performed. A consultation code has three requirements, if all three of those requirements are being met AND the insurance will still allow consultation codes to be submitted, then yes. But if any of the three requirements are missing, then no. Just because one doctor wants another doctor to evaluate the patient, that is not a consultation.
This question is asked almost daily on this web site in various ways, but it boils down to the same question. The first thing that I am going to do is verify that an actual "Consultation' is being performed. A consultation code has three requirements, if all three of those requirements are being met AND the insurance will still allow consultation codes to be submitted, then yes. But if any of the three requirements are missing, then no. Just because one doctor wants another doctor to evaluate the patient, that is not a consultation.
I am in a similar situation except we are trying to find out if there is a "time-frame" or "time limit" to how often IP consultations can be charged. I'm a billing specialist for outpatient oncology however our doctors do consults and subsequent care on the inpatients in the hospital we are affiliated with. A patient has a consult and sub-care visits while an inpatient, is discharged, then comes back a couple months later. Can the oncologist charge another IP consult so soon even if all 3 requirements are being met?
I am in a similar situation except we are trying to find out if there is a "time-frame" or "time limit" to how often IP consultations can be charged. I'm a billing specialist for outpatient oncology however our doctors do consults and subsequent care on the inpatients in the hospital we are affiliated with. A patient has a consult and sub-care visits while an inpatient, is discharged, then comes back a couple months later. Can the oncologist charge another IP consult so soon even if all 3 requirements are being met?
Yes, IF the consult requirements are met AND the carrier accepts consult codes, you may bill a consultation for another admission.