Wiki Initial Home Health Certifications

Gladstone, MO
Best answers
We were advised by an outside consultant that our physicians can bill for the initial home health certifications that they fill out . Does anyone have an insight into how to get these paid? Our first couple have denied.

Code G0180 is for initial home health certification and is only billable to Medicare. No other payers reimburse for it. I code for orthopaedics and bill this often. we have no problem getting payment. Our doctors are certifying Home health after joint replacements so we use V54.81 as the diagnosis. G0179 is for re-certification.
g0180, g0179

I work for general surgeon. We get paid except for a few private carriers and medicaid. I was told to use the date the dr signs it as the dos and to list the home health to and from dates on the claim where you would list additional info. Also use the diagnosis code provided on the home health form. I also list our dr as the "referring dr". Having problems with humana but humana mcr plans pay.