Wiki Initial Code 96413 & Sequential


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I need clarification in regards to infusions:

96413- To bill initial infusion must be at least 16 minutes to an hour?

IV Push- If infusion is 15 minutes or less, is it a push?

Sequential- to bill an a sequential must be at 16 minutes to an hour?

I always thought this is the way of billing the above but I was reading the CPT book and 96413 indicates up to an hour but it doesnt say it needs more than 16 minutes up to an hour in order to bill. The same with the others. I just need confirmation and clarification.


Yes, you are correct. 96413 Single/initial infusion up to 1 hour (16 minutes or more), 96375 Each additional sequential, IVP (15 minutes or less), and 96417 each additional sequential infusion up to 1 hour (16 minutes or more).

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I always thought this is the way of billing the above but I was reading the CPT book and 96413 indicates up to an hour but it doesnt say it needs more than 16 minutes up to an hour in order to bill. The same with the others. I just need confirmation and clarification.

If the infusion time is 15 or less then it becomes a push and not an infustion. Everything is based on time. So if the drug is ordered to be goven as a push but ends up going for 16 minutes then it becomes an infusion.

Hope this helps!