Wiki infusions - I am sorry to bring this question


Stockton, CA
Best answers
Hello all I am sorry to bring this question up again but I am truly lost, when do we code the 96367. lets say I have an infusion of rocephin going from 8:00-10:00 and vancomycin 08:15-9:00 how is that coded,and not referring to chemotherapy, but does it even matter what drugs are given since it goes by times?..thanks in advance for any help, this is for facility side..thanks again, alice
You would use the 96367 if the Vancomycin was infused after the Rocephin infusion was completed: 96365, 96366, 96367

For your example, if only one IV access was used, code the 2 hours of Rocephin, 96365, 96366 and the Vancomycin as concurrent, 96368.

It does matter what drugs are given to determine a sequential service or if they are integral to another procedure (CPR, CT or pre-op antibiotic). Also, when coding IVPs, you need to identify new or same substances.