Wiki infusions again


Stockton, CA
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Hi this is for facility coding on ER's, I have a pt that was seen in the ER at 11:12am on 2/3 and stayed in the room being seen periodically till 2/4 12:45pm he was given Rocephin from 2/3 15:00-16:20, then again 2/4 Rocephin 08:42am-09:20 so since they are on 2 different days can I code 2 inital infusions?..thanks any and all help is appreaciated..alice
If it is the same encounter you shouldn't code two initials. This applies if the patient was sent to observation as well. You should only code 2 initials if it is separate sitefor the same encounter. I hope this helps...
I would have to agree that to initial administrations would be inappropriate due to the fact that the ER visit is continuous from the DOS the patient is initially seen by the physician as long as the patient remains in the ED. Services are all billed on the single DOS.

I would have to disagree with observation status as these visits are billed on a daily status and two initial administrations on separate DOS would be correct.