Wiki Infusion vs Push for Zofran


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I was wondering if you have a line for hydration/nausea started and we push 4 mg of zofran but it is over 31 minutes. Can you bill this as an infusion rather than a push? Then if it is considered and infusion can we also bill the saline? Thank you so much!!
An IV push does not last 31 minutes - it takes more like 1 minute so it is coded as a push. If the hydration was only 31 minutes, that's awful fast - was it d/c'd after that 31 minutes or was another bag of fluid added?
Most of the time in our practice, we are only using 500ml bags so we can get it done in 31 minutes.
It is likely incorrect documentation because a push of Zofran is very unlikely to require 31 minutes. But if that's what is documented, then by definition it is not a push but an infusion, so then you'd code that with 96365. The hydration could be reported separately if it ran by itself for more than 31 minutes separately from the time used for the Zofran. But if not, then you cannot report the administration of the saline (though you can bill for the solution itself).
I would have to query a 31 min. infusion of Zofran - seems unreasonable to take that long. And 500 ml is not a lot of hydration either (unless it's a child) but would be more like a challenge bolus to see how a patient responds to the sudden infusion of fluid. So, is a bolus considered the same as hydration?
HI All,
Zofran is IVP less than 15 minutes. Hydration is always bill / code as additional hours, not the initial when other meds is infused.
If Zefran was given over 31 min for any reason, bill it as initial IVF, then hydration as additional hours.