Wiki Infusion reaction coding

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I have a pt that we started a Remicade infusion on and she had a reaction within the first 12 minutes. Medications administered to stop reaction with normal saline flowing. Once resolved, we attempted to restart infusion. Within 30 minutes the reaction returned and she had to be treated for this again. The Remicade was not restarted and infusion discontinued. I'm assuming since the first administration attempt only lasted 12 minutes I need to code 96409. I'm not sure how to code the second attempt. 96415 has to be over 30 minutes, 96416 not appropriate since not first attempt. Any suggestions? Or am I looking as this completely wrong??

Same route of admin, I would combine the time for a code choice.
Tricia D
I agree with Tricia. Combine the times for the admin of Remicade and code appropriately.