Wiki Infusion Questions


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I have two questions concerning admin codes 96360 and 96365, if a patient is being treated for hypotension with normal saline infusion, would this be considered therapy and the admin code would be 96365 or since there is no drug being delivered would it simply be 96360 for hydration?

Second question, if a patient is recieving an IV infusion develops a reaction to the drug, the infusion is stop and normal saline is started to clear the reaction, then restart the IV infusion. Since the NS is used to dilute the drug to relieve the reaction symptoms would the admin code be 96365 for the NS or 96360 for hydration?

I would appreciate any response to these questions. Thanks
I can answer the first part, the second I do not have experience with.

You would code the infusion of Normal saline as 96360 for the first hour.
96365 would be used with a drug.