Wiki Infusion confusion!!

Lansing, MI
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Have a question I hope someone can help me with...doc indicates in notes that PT presents for infusion therapy. Rituxin 800mg is being infused at 12:30 along with rescue drugs Benadryl 50mg and Solumedrol 125mg (same IV line, subsequent drugs). At 2:40 PT becomes flushed, no DIB or throat tightness. Benadryl 25mg IV given and infusion is restarted. At 4pm pt becomes flushed again, no other SX occur. Solumedrol 125mg IV given and infusion REstarted again. Total infusion time is 12:30-4pm.

Dr coded her work:
99214 mod 25
(pt supplies her own Rituxin, we do not bill for this)
Is this coding accurate?? :confused:
I would code as 96413 and 96415 x2 - can only bill for 3 hours - must be 31 minutes to code next hour. You did not specify times for benadryl and solumedrol.

99214 25

Hope this helps.
Do you have clear start and stop times for your infusion for each drug? In order to bill you need to make sure your documenation will support the billing of the infusion therapy. It cant be gave salien solution and drug x at 2:30 and then at 3pm gave drug Y. You need to have a start time that shows Hydration start time 2:30 stop time 4:30 ect...Does it make sense? Also you if mulitple drugs were giver you will need to map it out and bill it according to the infusion Hierarchy. I would reffer you to the January 2010 Coding Edge page 20-21 Facilty Infusions: Free the Confusion. I found this article to be extremly helpful to me and the understanding on how to code infusion therapy. I use to have code infusions for A chemo and theraputic infusion room. Hope this helps, if you have any other questions let me know.

We are a doctors office. Im most concerned about the stopping and restarting of the infusions and the addition of more Benadryl and Solumedrol.
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