Wiki Infusion Concurrently??


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I have a scenario that am not sure how to code. :confused: Any guide and guidelines will be appreciated.

Decadron 12:50-13:20
Ca Gluc 11:40-15:40
Herceptin 13:20-13:50

Am not sure. I will ask. But can you please guide as to would you code in both scenarios?

Thanks for taking your time.
Hi Traci,

Thanks for response would you bill any additional time (before and after) for Calcium Gluconate that was not running concurrently with Herceptin and Decadron?
No. That's why it is advantageous to not to run this way because you dont' get the credit for the before and after.. Once you run them together, the concurrent charges is the charge use. In our facility, we only run Cal & Mag together and on a few occassions one of the drugs ran longer and we can't charge for that.
i would double check those times with the nurse. i've never seen everything overlapping like that. Was the decadron inserted into the calcium bag?
I would code it as follows:
96143 and 96368.
Herceptin would be the primary reason for the visit and the Decadron and Cal Gluc are running concurrently. There was a time when you could split out the times when the drugs were not running concurrenlty but you can no longer do this.

Should add that this is if there is not a seperate line. This is how I would code it for a single line.
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Thank you everyone for taking your time to response to this question. I have info in the AMA CPT code assistant which i found really helpful.