Wiki Infusion coding

Anchorage, AK
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A patient came in to our out patient clinic and had an infusion of an antibiotic for under an hour. The IV port was left in the patient. The patient came back the next day for the same infusion. THe same antibiotic and also used the same port. THe port was flushed and the IV was hooked up to it again for another infusion of 32 minutes. A co worker says we would charge another initial infusion, but that includes the kit, so I'm confused. Do we just charge for the drug?:
From what I understand you could charge for the return as an initial, but you would use modifier 59 in this case. Not an authority on this, but I do remember reading about it in the Coding Edge magazine, additional modifiers may also apply, and I hope others on the forum will jump in to correct me/and/or give additional guidance.