Wiki Infusion Center billing- HELP!


Local Chapter Officer
Elizabethton, TN
Best answers
Pt has pump refill/maintenance on a Friday for a prolonged infusion over the weekend and goes home the same day. What is the right way to bill the drug units infused? All 3 units with date of service as Friday or one unit for each day (if this is correct what is the Place of Service that should be used, patient's home?)? This is a center located in a physician's office building owned by the physician's group. Can anyone recommend where to find CMS guidance? Thanks in advance!

I am new to infusion center billing :)
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Pump Billing

My current employers bill all drug for the pump with date it was taken from LYNX.
They do not bill DMERC for pump rental (or anyone else), which I did at previous employer. I used POS HOME (12) for this. I also billed the 5 FU in the pump to DMERC. The 5FU that was pushed I billed to regular insurance.

You can look up Pump Billing in CMS/DMERC
Tricia D