Wiki Infusion Billing


West, TX
Best answers
can anyone give insight for infusion billing? What cpt Codes are used for Colitis and Crohn's? Can you also charge an E & M code as well?
your question is confusing. We do not assign CPT codes based on diagnosis, we assign CPT based on the service provided.. If an infusion is performed then look in the CPT book in the medicine section for the infusion section. You append an E&M code if the documentation supports. You state this is an ER encounter. If you are coding for the provider, you will not code the infusion, the facility will charge for that, if you are coding for the facility they you might have a facility E&M if the service provided supports it with the infusion charge.
If you are trying to the diagnosis of colitis and crohns then you need to look to your ICD-10 CM codes and using the alpha index first look up you main term of colitis and then crohns
It depends on the drug you are infusing. You also need to bill according to the time it takes to infuse the patient and bill with the correct ndc numbers.