Wiki Independent billing service vs physician

Santa Barbara CA
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I have a physician disputing my invoice as billing service. He is claiming he had internal audit which showed discrepancies in receipts for which my services are billed. He refused to submit copies of the said audit and insists on reducing my fees by $500. I need recommendations on auditing services and approx. cost, PLEASE. Any advice is greatly appreciated! :confused:

Thanks in advance,
I would probably obtain an attorney. If the provider will not allow you to look at the audit summary for where the discrepancies are and why it was your fault then all of his claims are bogus and he still owes you the money. Do you have any idea which claims are in question? If you had even that you could have your own auditor review them.
No idea for which claims are involved. I informed him I would seek legal action, get a third party audit and would also turn to collections if balance of invoice not paid in full in timely fashion. There is sign agreement and he will be responsible for the costs, as I am overly positive if I should call in the auditor it would be found he was the one withholding receipts reported to my company the last 60 days. I was locked out of the system but not before I ran my own reports to reflect all my work. I was told a payment was to be mailed on 8/6/14. I hope to received it in the mail today and he pays the bill in full so I can move on without legal action. I almost want to call in the auditor anyway.
Thanks for the response. Does anyone have any idea which auditor I should contact? I'm in Cali.

There so many auditors to choose and some are better than others. You might try checking with you local AAPC chapter to see if anyone is highly recommended.