Wiki inconclusive codes

Try to find a pattern w/ the denials. Better off - call them and ask. It may seem daunting but it's another person on the other end of the line....hopefully they will give you more insight. Best of luck!
If you say what the codes are that are considered "inconclusive", we can help you research.

Also, tell us all of the remark codes & their meanings on the Medicare denials. I find most people look at only 1 & disregard the rest. Sometimes seeing all of them is piecing a puzzle. A piece alone may not have all the information we need.

Do you know if Medicare means the ICD9 or the CPT? I'm assuming ICD9. Is the fouth or fifth digit missing. Are you using a unspecified code? Read the print around your code.

I also agree with Ijmcnamara3. Call them and ask. Often they are the best source.