Wiki Incidental to billing help! Not sure what to do with this situation!


The Villages, FL
Best answers
Hello all,

We have a PA-C who sees patients on a daily basis. We perform bariatric surgeries in addition to general surgery.

My question is this, as far as incidental billing goes...if the PA sees a patient of another doc in the practice, is it still considered incidental or should I be billing out under her numbers???

One of our physicians does not do the bariatric surgery. It is with this doctor that I am having doubts as to whether or not it really can be considered incidental to. He is in the office, himself, doing office hours along side of her, but occasionally she has been seeing the bariatric patients. If she has a question about one of the patients and the other doctor cannot help her (one in the office), she does speak with the physician (who cares for the patient) by telephone and does document this in her notes.

Is this incidental to or should I be billing this out under her number?????

Thanks for the help!