Wiki Incident to


Jacksonville, AR
Best answers
I know Medicare requires Incident to but what about other payors? We have docs that go to satellite clinics everyday. For example:

Mary normally sees Dr. A in Little Rock, but Dr. B is going to his satellite clinic in Sherwood-well Mary lives in Sherwood so she's going to go ahead and get her chemotherapy there (that has of course been ordered and ok'd by her normal doc). For Medicare we have to do Incident to whatever doc is there at the clinic, so it wouldn't be billed to her normal doc, it would be the one that is at the Sherwood clinic. But what if it's not Medicare....BCBS, Cigna, Qual, etc.???

I can't find any guidelines other than for Medicare.
LOL, not sure why I put this in the E/M!!! It's JUST chemo, not E/M services. Sorry!! Maybe you still can help! :eek:

I'll post it somewhere else too. :)