Wiki Incident To Billing


Watertown, NY
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I just need a bit of clarification on the "billing" of incident to services. If the practice is a group practice, does the supervising physician need to be the one that originated the care or can the service be billed under any physician in the group. There may be times when the original physician may not be present.
Incident to Billing is really very simple. Any Physician can bill w/in the group as long as they are within reach, meaning available should the Mid level needs them. The Physician whom the care was originated from cannot take credit for an incident to if he or she is not around. The Midlevel will follow the plan of care that the Physician had established and should any new problem is presented, they need to see the Physician again and is not considered an incident to billing.
note: If no physician is present, then it can be billed under the PA's or Np's NPI # and is not an incident to.

Hope this helps.