Wiki incarcerated vs reduced (again)


Bangor, Maine
Best answers
I have an op note causing a little disagreement among my colleagues. One says reduced and one differs from that and say incarcerated.

"oblique was incised with a #15 blade and was opened into the external ring with Metzenbaum scissors. Cold strips were elevated with penrose drain and surface was made for internal hernia sac. The sac was identified and carefully dissected off cord structures with blunt dissection and electrocautery. once the hernia sac was localized to the level of the internal ring it was opened with metzenbaum scissors. It was seen to contain sigmoid colon. There are a few adhesions. Colic fat to inside of the hernia sac. These were taken down with electrocautery and the colon was reduced. Hernia sac was ligated with 3-0 vicryl suture and the sac was amputated and handed off. A medium PerFix plug was used to butress a ____* central ring and was tacked to the transverse ____* arch and tiliting edge of the inguinal ligament with 0 prolene......"

Anyone want to weigh in?
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Excellent..thank you so much. That was my point exactly! I just needed that back-up confirmation. Now I just need to convince the provider of that...