Wiki in the provider's notes, what does "[condition] versus] [condition]" mean?

Sioux City, IA
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This is one of the things I have not learned yet. Occasionally the provider will write "versus" in the notes, notwithstanding that that may not be a confirmed diagnosis to code anyway. For instance, I just saw "Possible Conjunctivitis versus contact dermatitis" in the notes I'm looking at. I don't understand what versus means here.
when a provider doesn't have enough information to be able to confirm a dx, they might document the symptoms with a statement [condition] vs [condition].
these are considered differential dx, conditions that the provider is considering or looking to rule out.

in outpatient coding, you cannot code a differential or 'possible/probable' dx, BUT, if the provider documents the dx they are considering, they can help support medical necessity for the encounter.