Wiki in ROS, does "all systems negative" obviously mean the ROS was complete?

Sioux City, IA
Best answers
As I struggle with E-M, I only just thought of that. If the provider writes something like "all systems negative, except as recorded above," they must have examined all systems in order to know they were negative. Doesn't that mean the ROS was not problem-focused or detailed but complete?
For ROS, a provider may document the positives, and "all others negative" or equivalent statement and be credited for complete ROS.
The exact wording you provided I would credit at complete ROS. Be careful with wording as something like "ROS negative" does NOT count. The statement needs to include how many of the 12 potential systems were reviewed to count.
Don't forget - ROS is a component of history which is no longer used to level outpatient visits and is proposed to no longer be used for most types of E/M services in 2023.
there are a total of 14 review of systems . this is only applicable right now for hospital/SNF/ED type visits; (all others but the office/.outpatient) they must indicate some pertinent positive/negative as prevs stated and then the statement of all others reviewed (or they might say a 14 point review of systems was negative then I would lean to allow) but If a provider says a 12 point review of systems was negative without giving me details I do not credit complete ROS as I do not know which of the 14 you reviewed at that point. I see this all day in the hospital setting. Its sort of lazy
Yes, thank you for the correction - it is 14 potential systems. The article from 2013 mentioned 12, and I did not count them myself.
I CANNOT WAIT for the 2021 guidelines to apply to more than office/outpatient.
A new one befuddled me for a few minutes: the provider reviewed 12 systems, but nevertheless wrote only "A 12 system review was performed and was either negative or noncontributory." Uhh...I guess I can take that, because it does state exactly how many the provider reviewed. He/she just didn't have anything substantive whatsoever to note about any of them. Am I right?