Wiki In remission vs history of


Hendersonville, North Carolina
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When coding the hypertension codes an additional code is required for current tobacco use or environmental exposure to tobacco smoke. If the patient is a former smoker, when is it appropriate to use the personal history of nicotine dependence vs the nicotine dependence in remission codes? I've seen both ways and I don't know which is correct. Any help is greatly appreciated!
There is some guidance on this in the ICD-10 official guidelines - see section I.C.5 for the chapter 5 codes. As paragraph b.1 states, 'in remission' codes are for use in describing "mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance abuse."

Based on this, if this provider has not documented this as a being disorder that is in remission, and is only stating the patient has a history or smoking or is a former smoker, then in my opinion the 'in remission' code from this category would not be appropriate.