Wiki Immunotherapy and antineoplastic

Neeses, SC
Best answers
When the patient recieves both an Immunotherapy drug and antineoplastic at the same time is it ok to bill v58.11 and v58.12 then the cancer diagnosis?
In the ICD9 guidelines, it is ok to list both V codes since they are both considered principle codes. Just be sure they are listed for the correct drugs. If you list a Vcode when it shouldn't be, you may get a denial.
Ruth we had an audit done and when we billed for example Gemzar and Herceptin they said we should use both the V58.11 and V58.12 since one is a Immuno drug and the other a Neoplastic and given together. Just want to be sure that is correct. Noticed you have your CHONC studing for mine now :)