Wiki immunosuppresant


Bronx, NY
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I need a code to use for my transplant patients. My doctors are coding immunosuppresant host and I cannot find a code, can anyone assist. Thank you.
immunosuppressant host

I think I know what you are asking--I have had this problem. My providers often put "immunosuppressed"or "immune compromised" as the presenting problem for transplant patients, but that isn't what they are actually treating.
Some try to use the 279 codes, but this is not correct.
You have to look at the rest of the note to figure out what they are being seen for. If the patient has presented with an infection or fever, you need to code that first, followed by your V42.xx codes for transplant and chemo. If it actually says it is a complication, you need to use your 998.5X codes.
If the patient is just in for routine f/u, use your f/u V-codes.
Isn't it funny how the providers who you need the most information from, tend to give you the least?