Wiki Immunization Clinic

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I was asked to look into the financial aspect of starting an Immunization Clinic. Finding the RVU's for the administration part is easy and finding the prices of the vaccine was easy using the CDC website (

What I am not sure is how to set a price for a vaccine. For example, the first listed DTaP is priced at $25.98.

Is that what practices are supposed to charge? I always assumed we would set our own price, but I am not sure what to base that price on.

Any guidance?
What kind of immunizations? Billing insurance?

IME, billing insurance for immunizations is a break even deal at best. It should be looked at as a loss leader and service to attract patients to your practice. Cant help you there.

OTH, if it as a cash business, you can actually do okay with travel vaccines.
I have been an owner and medical director of travel vaccine clinic. Prices are set 5-100% above cost of the vaccines, depending on your area and competition and if there is a consultation or visit fee. Those can range from $5-100 for the initial consultation. Patients pay cash and are given a receipt to submit to their own insurance company. Ideally, such clinics should be set up with their own tax ID number and be non par with all third party payers.

Hope that helps