Wiki IM doc


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my internal med dr does a pre op for a pt in need of knee surgery...after pt has had surgery with another dr, patient comes back to my IM doctor and my doc gives reason for visit as post op f/u from surgery???????????????? I just fail to see medical necessity.
my internal med dr does a pre op for a pt in need of knee surgery...after pt has had surgery with another dr, patient comes back to my IM doctor and my doc gives reason for visit as post op f/u from surgery???????????????? I just fail to see medical necessity.

To be able to bill for post op the surgeon must transfer care to your provider in writing. Then you use the surgical procedure code the surgeon used and append the 55 modifier, and a V code for post op.
If the patient decides they do not wish to follow up with the surgeon, you will need yo bill the patient.
I believe they ARE following up with the surgeon but I think my internal med doc thinks he can see patient as well. Once my IM dr did preop for one of his patients for a spinal durgey which was a same day surgery with spinal surgeon and the IM doc billed a 99235 on day the pt had surgery with spine dr.