Wiki I'm confused! Need help!! Please!!!


South Holland
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How would you code this??
1st scenario:

2yr old child was seen for well visit and for URI, and also received a HEP A #1.

I just started a new job auditing, and for what ever reason I'm questioning myself alot.

coder coded this scenario: V20.2,465.9, V05.3 with 99212.
Is this correct??

2nd scenario:

2yr old child was seen for well visit, eczema, and delayed immunizations.

coder coded: V05.3, V06.1, V03.81, V06.1 with 99392.
I know this is wrong!

How would you code this??

thank you in advance.

please help!!
1st....I would code a 99392 with V20.2 and a 99212-25 with 465.9 and then 90663-SL dx V05.3

2nd...I would 99392 V20.2 and if exzema was treated then an 99212-25 692.9 if not then I would put dx 692.9 on with the 99392 and also did the pt recieve all those vaccines...or no vaccines given?