Wiki I'm a little stumped


Whiteville, NC
Best answers
OK one of my docs performed these procedures and I am not sure what exactly I can code for:

Balloon angioplasty of the innominate vein with supervision and interpretation, balloon angioplasty of left axillary vein with supervision and interpretation, baloon angioplasty of left upper arm AV graft with supervision and interpretation, superior vena cavogram with supervision and interpretation, left innominate venogram with supervision and interpretation, left axillary venogram with supervision and interpretation, left subclavian venogram with supervision and interpretation, contrast study of left arm AV graft with supervision and interpretation, left brachial arteriogram with supervision and interpretation, catheter placement laft upper arm AV graft with supervision and interpretation, percutaneous needle placement of left upper arm AV graft old, intraoperative flouroscopy x 45 minutes. All done through ASU.

I code for a surgeons office and this is all done outpatient. Now I think that I can only code 35475, 35476, 75962-26 and 75978-26 with a dx of 996.73 because all of this has to do with decreased flow in a left upper arm AV graft. All of the stenoses are related to this.
My question have I missed anything or is this too many codes?? I guess I must be having a blank moment here.....