Wiki If you are looking for a job...Advice


Salt Lake City, UT
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Great information from KZA....

We have screened over a 100 resumes over the last two weeks. This process has shown us that spelling is a lost art and proofreading is all but forgotten.

Thus, the unemployment rate stays steady and people are unhappily stuck in their same jobs. Here are our hiring manager’s thought on this topic:

• If you are this careless in marketing yourself for a better position, we imagine the sloppy work that will result once you are employed. It is easy to assume it can only go downhill. Please proofread your work.

• Sending form letters for every position does not work. Discerning hiring agents take this as a lack of critical thinking, poor self-marketing and are bored reading the drivel. Display some initiative and write a letter that addresses your qualifications for the position.

• If you attach photos, make sure they look like a business headshot that would appear in the Wall Street Journal. Party pictures are a turn off and demonstrate immaturity.

• If the ad says, “Seven years of experience required” and you only have two, don’t apply. While optimism is a wonderful trait, practices have standards.

• Explain glaring “holes” in your employment history. Taking time off to have a baby or care for an ailing parent are understandable -prison is not. These empty spaces make us think the worst.

I would also like to add: If the ad asks you to include certain information and you do not, I assume you cannot follow directions and will be just as careless in your given position.
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