Wiki Icd9 trouble


Seward, PA
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I'm embarrassed to say that although I passed my CPC in May, I did not do well on the ICD9 section. I do not know why. I don't know if I had the right codes just sequenced wrong or if I was completely wrong. In addition, this week I received a call for a remote position I applied for. They sent me a test. If I had passed with a 90% I would have had the job. Unfortunately, I did not score high enough. Again, it did not seem hard. It was all diagnosis codes. I reviewed the guidelines as I answered and read and watched for notations in the tabular as well. I do not know what I am doing wrong. Im afraid to apply anywhere else remote or on site for fear I make a fool out of myself. I am worried and don't know quite what to do to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions that could help me would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Thank you Joanne but I did that throughout my training and didn't have difficulty. When I did miss, I reviewed the rationale.