Wiki icd9 scapula pain


Wichita, KS
Best answers
Coders I have a question. What ICD9 code do you all use for scapula pain? I have been told several different I need a second and third opion from all of you. thanks you sooo much.:confused:
Yaa... :)

I also consider 719.41 but as per def.* of scapula 733.90 is the good one (If in PE, it's clear that the pain is not in joint/near the joints).

*Scapula is the bone that connects the humerus (arm bone) with the clavicle (collar bone).

As Tiwari mentioned in his reply, Scapula is a bone and scapular pain leads to the ICD - 733.90 (pain ->Bone -> 733.90)

However we need to check in the physical examination, if the MD is more specific in his documentation if it is bone pain or if it is just the region of pain, then we need to code it accordingly.

Please go with the MD's documentation in PE.

Thank You,

Purnima S, CPC