Wiki Icd9 - inspissated material tonsillar cleft

Cleft guided me to Imperfect, closure. That guided me to anomaly. The only thing I found there was anomaly, lymphatic system NEC (to which the tonsils belong) for a code of 759.9 in the index. Crossing 759.9 in the index we get the boring code for Congenital anomaly, unspecified.
Areas of inspissated mucopus or even blood clot, when longstanding/chronic, can receive a coating of calcium ,magnesium and carbonate and become a rhinolith at the base of nose or amygdalolith/tonsiloth at the tonsils and adenoids.They are formed deep at the crypts/or(clefts) of the tonsils.
In the Icd-9 we do not find a diagnosis code straight for inspissated material but we do have for the chronic condition of the same, namely amygdalolith ( calcification of the mucopus/inspisated material material ).
The correct code would be in such cases 474.8.

Certain times we have to give relevance and diagnostic adjustment to the family of classification and more related clinical importance, when you do not find the straight forward or word by word diagnosis, which is beyond a manual could comprehend.