Wiki ICD10 Proficiency Test

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Can someone tell me why do we have to take this test if you already taken an approved ICD10 Proficiency test for your job! I don't know if a lot of people jobs required them to be certified before October 1, 2015 but a lot of other coders I talk with had to be. I just think it is a waste of time and money to make us take their test if we have taken one and already passed. Another way for AAPC to get more money out their members. Of course you have to pass to keep credentials.
Yes, it appears to be a big money maker. It's great for those that have an employer that will pay for them but those of us that have to pay for it all ourselves it really stinks. I too had an employer provide ICD 10 training in the past which means nothing now. Also, by taking the $60 test you get zero CEU's for all the trouble and study. Between the expense of the annual $125 membership renewal, $30 practice and $60 assessment and maybe the $100 workbook it is a real hardship for those of us that only code HCC part time seasonally. :(