Wiki ICD10 for long term use Semaglutide/Dulaglutide for non-diabetic patients


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Our office does complete code capture, but we are not clear if we can add Z79.85 when an obese patient is prescribed Wegovy for weight loss, but does not have diabetes. I'm looking for official guidance on coding for long-term use of semaglutide or dulaglutide (Wegovy/Ozempic/Trulicity) when prescribed for weight loss for non-diabetic patients.

Similar, but different... If a patient with pre-diabetes is prescribed Metformin, do we code Z79.84?

Thank you.

All of the drugs listed above are considered to be anti-diabetic medications and are used to either treat or prevent diabetes or obesity. So, Z79.84 & Z79.85 would apply in your scenarios. The below references as it relates to the drugs may be helpful.

Hope this helps!
@keke74 I do agree that they are antidiabetic drugs, but they are not being used that way unless the patient is diabetic or pre-diabetic. I am concerned about using that code if the patient is not using the medicine for that. Especially since it could have a negative effect on the patient's insurance and premiums. Are you adding that code to patients who take metformin for PCOS? I did do some research as I have never added that code to a patient with PCOS who is on Metformin or honestly, to an obese patient who takes the drugs above for weight loss. The coding guidelines reference them in the diabetes section. I am not saying one way is right or wrong, I am just asking for clarity. I am going to see what else I can find about it as the code book has a reference to the AHA